School Visits!
Full School : I will tell the story to the young ones but also will include the older kids from the angle of becoming an author and discuss creative writing and inspiration.
I will Discuss and demonstrate breathing techniques with the kids through a controlled but fun and interactive program.
Questions are very much encouraged because curiosity drives learning and I want to answer any questions they have.
Ages 4 – 7 : The target age of the book. I will do a classic storytelling show, followed by teaching belly breathing techniques with help from puppets which is fun and interactive for the children.
Ages 8 to 10: I will read the story followed by belly breathing techniques and focus on some creative writing.
Ages 11 - 13: after reading the book, I will discuss being an author and have a short creative writing session where I give them my top three tips on writing a story. This Will Pass was published by Bushel& Peck books but I have self-published 6 books so I will speak on how the publishing world has changed so much and how easy and almost free it is to get their ideas out there, at any age. I will keep this somewhat general unless someone wants more information, and I can help them of course. There are some very young authors out there already we are seeing in the industry, and I would love to help them reach their dreams.
Virtual $200
Local Half day $350
Full day $500 Up to 100 miles Half day $450
Full day $625 100-180 miles- Half day $500
Full day $750 80-200 miles- Half day $600
Full day $ 850
Over 200 miles- CALL
no cancellation fee
To request more information : contact
Call: 609-364-4599
*If your school is having trouble affording my author visit fees please contact me, we can work together to figure something out. No school will be left out for financial reasons. After all this is for the kids!